When a pixel is migrated to a dataset, the connection between the ads and the pixel may be lost. This can occur if the System User is not added to the dataset associated with the pixel, and if the ad account is not linked to the dataset.
Step 1: Add the System User to the Dataset
Access Meta Business Manager and go to 'Business Settings.'
Navigate to 'Data Sources' > 'Datasets.'
Select the dataset linked to your migrated pixel.
Go to the 'System Users' tab, click 'Add People,' and select the System User.
Grant permissions like 'Manage Dataset' and 'View Events Data.'
Save your changes.
Step 2: Link the Ad Account to the Dataset
In 'Business Settings,' choose 'Ad Accounts.'
Select the ad account with the issue.
In 'Connected Assets,' click '+ Add Assets' and choose 'Datasets.'
Find the relevant dataset, check the box, and click 'Add Assets.'
By completing these steps, you should have successfully resolved the issue of lost ad connections after pixel migration to a dataset. Your ads should now be connected to the appropriate dataset, allowing for accurate tracking and optimization.